Lets Improve the Job Contingency for Post Secondary Students

2024 Product Release Job Futures

Watch the release video to see demos with iOS, Android and web applications, a Q&A section, updates to the Learning Labels and Skills Based Approach apps, and how you should join us in 2025.

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A Job Future defines and quantifies (Skill Points) skill requirements for a job six months to two years in the future. -- definition


Employers claim job candidates lack necessary skills 1. There is evidence of a Skills Gap in sourcing engineers with the Chips Act in Syracuse and Arizona 2, 3. Managers predict the shelf life of 44 percent of skills is less than five years 4.


A majority of college graduates are underemployed 5.


Provide Post Secondary Educators and Learners actual, accurate job requirements Job Futures while they are learning. Other proposed value in training, onboarding, forecasting, and work force development.

1) World Economic Forum; 2) WSJ Articles; 3) Syracuse University; 4) Future of Jobs Report; 5) Strada Education Foundation


Our company post jobs on our website. How is this different?

For a Job Future, think of posting a job on your website (what you do) after the Job Future matures. The Job Label also defines and quantifies skills in a uniform way.

300M Active Users Visit Indeed a month. Why are candidates going to use Job Futures?

Only 3 percent get a return, many are overwhelmed by sending hundreds of resumes.

Our proposal is to negotiate through a hiring process during the Job Future. We think should be less aggravating and more precise, allowing pivots - easier to do while you are learning not graduated.

How much does Job Futures cost?

At this stage, we offer Job Futures for free. However, at a later time, we plan to charge per Job Future or a subscription. This charge will include not only their creation, but also providing an interface to manage them through the duration of the Job Future

Catalog of 200 Live, Actual Templates

View Job Label Templates

A true application of the Job Labels using DOL job titles and current job posting from a number of corporations in banking, engineering, information technology, life sciences, higher education. Useful now by seeding the creating of Job Labels and Job Futures and general targets for post secondary students and educators.

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