Lets Improve the Job Contingency for Post Secondary Students


Think of a Job Future as an opportunity to proactively find and then acquire and verify the skills necessary for target jobs.

These are some initial steps:

  • Find target jobs from a search of Job Labels
  • Brings the job into Skills Based Approach as an Instance
  • Target the job and job skills:
    • Choose curricular work such as projects, papers, and coding that align with the skills.
    • Do extra-curricular work to fill skills not covered in the curriculum.
    • Participate in internships, co-ops and other experiences applying the skills (recommended in a Strada report).
    • Earn credentials to verify necessary skills. If the credential is not appropriated in the curriculmn (like a certification for network security), get the credential.
  • Pivot (add and remove jobs) at any stage.
  • Apply to jobs as the Job Labels reach maturity.

Working with Skills Based Approach and in the medium of skills makes the process fluent.

This is only an initial interpretation. There will be more...

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